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Welcome! We are Christians from all over the greater Pittsburgh area. Our Lord’s Day services are biblically faithful to the Apostles teachings and the reformation churches long ago. We are united in the proclamation and service of our King and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Our multi-generational congregation is a growing and loving fellowship seeking to reach the surrounding communities with the love of Christ and the saving truth of His gospel.
We would enjoy meeting you at a Lord’s Day service and even for lunch afterward.
​Providence is a congregation within the RP Church of North America which traces its roots to the Scottish Reformation of 1560. These reformers were known as the ‘Covenanters’ because they contended for the supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ. They pursued unswervingly the course of the Church marked out in the Word of God, in doctrine, worship, and discipline. They refused to be guided by human wisdom or temporizing methods of worship to win numbers or gain favor. They sought to glorify God with simplicity of faith, holiness of life, purity of worship, and loyalty to the Lord Jesus Christ [1]. In 1638, these Scottish Presbyterians made a National Covenant, beginning what is known as the Second Reformation. The first church in America was formed in 1743 and has never split. We are a continuing church of that Covenanted Reformation and still hold strongly to the principles of the Scottish Covenanters. On this continent, Christ’s Crown and Covenant has been maintained as a foundational principle of our denomination. Today, congregations reach all across North America.
We consider worship to be a great privilege. The aim of everything we are and do is "to glorify God and enjoy Him fully." Our beliefs stem from a full commitment to the authority of the Bible as the inerrant, infallible Word of God. Because the Scriptures are the only rule of faith and life, they direct us how to worship God, and therefore we maintain the regulative principle of worship. This principle illuminates God’s royalty, holiness, and glory. It turns the focus from our likes and wants, and yields to His. Because God is both Creator and King, He has requirements for worship.
Some of our distinctives are:
The Word: The Scriptures are read verse-by-verse and unapologetically preached every Lord's Day.
The Sacraments: There are two sacraments ordained by the Lord Jesus Christ, His supper and baptism.
We partake of the Lord’s Supper, the bread and wine, two Lord’s Days a month during our second service. We baptize believers’ and their households.
Song: We follow the command to sing "Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs" from the 150 songs that God composed in His book of Psalms.
Prayer: Earnest pastoral prayer occurs during the service.