Bible Study
We have two Bible studies each week led by our Pastor and a teaching Elder.
The Wednesday evening Bible study is at the home of Pastor Steve Bradley (except the first Wednesday of the month). Everyone is welcome for dinner at 6pm, followed by prayer and then the study beginning at 7pm. Those who are unable to attend in person, join via Webex.
The Thursday Bible study, which is online through Webex, begins at noon and is led by Elder Randy Johovich.
You can join via Webex: https://providencereformedpresbyterianchurch.my.webex.com/meet/bygracealone.
Sabbath School
On first and third Lord’s Days we have Sabbath School after lunch. We offer classes for various ages beginning with the Children’s Catechism, then the Shorter Catechism, the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Larger Catechism. The Adults Sabbath school class covers an array of topics ranging from various doctrines to Biblical issues in Church history.
You can join via Webex: https://providencereformedpresbyterianchurch.my.webex.com/meet/bygracealone.
Prayer Meetings
We have a congregational prayer meeting every first Wednesday of the month at 7pm through our Webex link: https://providencereformedpresbyterianchurch.my.webex.com/meet/bygracealone.
A ladies prayer group meets at the church building on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 9am.
Dinner and Doctrine
Dinner and Doctrine is a refreshing time of fellowship at Pastor Steve Bradley’s house occurring on the first Sunday of the month. During this time of fellowship, we share dinner, pray, and then study sound doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Apostles.
Psalm Sing
Alternating on the first Lord’s Day of the month, we gather for a congregational Psalm Sing at the church building. It is a sweet time of letting the word of Christ dwell in us richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in our hearts to God.
Men's Group
The men gather monthly on the 4th Saturday in the church building at 9am. The study is an intentional and refreshing time of rich fellowship centered on Christ, His Word, and the various doctrines of His Church.